Study Solution arranges Virtual UK Education Fair in UK. We are going to represent leading UK Universities at the event. This is a completely free event for all students. However, we request you for pre-register in order to confirm your place.
Study Solution is one of thelargest UK universitiesrepresentative
100% FREE Education Counselling and Application Processing
Don't miss this unique opportunity!
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
This Virtual UK Education Fair is an educational event, where top UK university delegates will be attending. They will be answering all the admission enquiries and offering places for admission to students.
This Virtual UK Education Fair Event is completely free.
Yes, you can come along with your family members or friends in this Virtual UK Education Fair.
Please bring copies of your academic documents i.e. certificates, Transcript, IELTS/UKVI IELTS certificate, passport, CV, personal statement (If available) etc.
After completion of the online registration, you will receive a confirmation in the email address that you provided during registration.
Scholarship Options
Learn information about a number of Scholarship options
Campus life
Discuss the campus life in the UK
Admission Requirements
Know about the UK admission requirements
On-spot Offers
Receive on-spot offers
Information About The Event:
Meet top-ranked UK University delegates directly and apply 140+ UK University in one place. This UK Education Fair is a great opportunity for the students to explore study options in UK including Foundation, Undergraduate and Postgraduate degree and to :
- Discuss the campus life in the UK
- Know about the UK admission requirements
- Receive on-spot offers
- Learn information about a number of Scholarships options